Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Berbers, North Africa, Augustine, and so much more

This is from a colleague's website. . . I thought it was funny. . .
"I was traveling to the US for business, the plane just landed and I was exhausted, it was a long flight and did not manage to sleep. The customs officer greeted me and went to a series of questions, one question particularly caught my attention: you were born in Algeria? Where is Algeria?
I thought it was a joke, and told him it was in South America , he nodded and didn't say anything. I realized just then that the customs officer had not clue where Algeria was.
There are many people that have never heard about North Africa or the least they may have heard could be the terrorism and the bad news and the catastrophes. Or when we say North Africa is a Berber land, they always think it is carpet, or when we talk about the main dish of North Africa namely Couscous people think it is an animal…. "
FYI: Berbers are people! The Romans called them barbarians because when they spoke the Romans said their language sounded like someone was barking at them. They also thought they were uncivilized. However Augustine was a Berber!! The early church would have been made up of Berbers too!! Over 50 % of North Africa at one time was Christian. Couscous are small round pieces of rice/pasta. Hard to explain! But it sure is good!

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