Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Why it says "March 13, 2013"

The date says "March 13, 2013" . . . No I'm not still overseas. I was looking back through my blog and reminiscing. I found a bunch of blog posts that I never published (I don't remember why I never did) so I decided to! Some day I want to print this blog out.


I was asked the other day . . . "How do you go back to a normal job after one like this?"

I honestly don't know how to answer that. I have no clue, how I will go back to regular activities.

Well, for those that don't know. I am extending. It means I won't be coming home in Aug. for good. I am coming home for a visit though. I am unsure as to how much longer I will be here--I'm still working through that.

We will see!

A Pickle

August 2008

One of my favorite baseball plays is called "a pickle". I love it because you are on the edge of your seat waiting to see who is going to out play who. I'm sure it isn't fun for the one caught in the middle.
Well I kind of feel like I'm in a pickle and it isn't fun. I feel torn. As the past two months have flown by it has made me think more and more about the end of my term. I know there were days when I desperately wanted to go home and now there are days that I dread the end. Why is it that we can't enjoy where we are but long for where we are not (or dread what is coming)? I have been asked to extend a year. Part of me breathes a sigh of relief and says, "Yes, I'd love to. More time in this part of the world working with people I love." While the other part says, "Another year is so long." What's a girl to do? So I'm praying, begging God for direction. I don't want to do something that doesn't honor God. I don't want to make a decision for selfish reasons. I desperately want His will...
I've been reading this book and read this the other day:
'"Holiness does not consist in mystic speculations, enthusiastic fervours, or uncommanded austerities; it consists in thinking as God thinks, and willing as God wills." Neither does holiness mean, as is so often thought, adhering to a list of 'do's and don'ts', mostly don'ts. When Christ came into the world, He said, "I have come to do Your will, O God" (Hebrews 10:7) In all of our thoughts, all of our actions, in every part of our character, the ruling principle that motivates and guides us should be the desire to follow Christ in doing the will of the Father.'

Incredible Day!

May 2008
Today after church, I went to visit the A. family. We had so much fun!! We laughed, talked, and ate. Saliah said, "Rachelle, what are we going to do when you leave?" It warmed my heart. Days like these make me want to stay forever. She proceeded to tell me that I could find a husband here, get married and then I could stay and visit them every day. I smiled and said "I don't think so--not that I don't want to visit them everyday, because I do--it is the marrying part". So then she decided I could go back to the states, get married and return to live in here. She was so sweet and sincere. Today, I totally surprised them. I used the 5 words that I know in @r@bic and they loved it!! Saliah just smiled and smiled. I apologized for not knowing more and she said "Rachelle, it is enough that you try." I am going back on Wed. Did I mention that I had so much fun today???
She found out that my mom and family (7 total) are coming over in May. She told me everyone is invited for coffee and cakes. I am sure that it will be interesting; boisterous Italians mixed with boisterous @rbs---it is bound to be a party for sure. I am thrilled for my family to meet them. I will keep you posted.

Productive Day

Today was the most productive day I have had in a LONG time. I don't know what it was about today that was any different.
I have two jobs. One is to meet with families over here and the other is to prepare for 250 tourists who are coming this summer. In the fall, I spent more time in homes that I did on the summer job, but now that summer is approaching the balance is shifting and I am spending less time in the homes and more time on the summer part. Getting ready for the summer, means a lot of errands, a ton of e-mails back and forth between tourists, summer staff, bosses, technical(web) people, recruiters. Just a lot. So often I have a list and work down the list; starting more than one activity while I wait for others to do their part before I can finish mine. It is also a foreign country so things just take longer. So a lot of starts very few finishes, except for today.
I got two big items checked off and at least 5 small ones. I am completely organized and ready for whatever is next.
WWWHHOOO for today being a productive day!!! It feels so good.

Berbers, North Africa, Augustine, and so much more

This is from a colleague's website. . . I thought it was funny. . .
"I was traveling to the US for business, the plane just landed and I was exhausted, it was a long flight and did not manage to sleep. The customs officer greeted me and went to a series of questions, one question particularly caught my attention: you were born in Algeria? Where is Algeria?
I thought it was a joke, and told him it was in South America , he nodded and didn't say anything. I realized just then that the customs officer had not clue where Algeria was.
There are many people that have never heard about North Africa or the least they may have heard could be the terrorism and the bad news and the catastrophes. Or when we say North Africa is a Berber land, they always think it is carpet, or when we talk about the main dish of North Africa namely Couscous people think it is an animal…. "
FYI: Berbers are people! The Romans called them barbarians because when they spoke the Romans said their language sounded like someone was barking at them. They also thought they were uncivilized. However Augustine was a Berber!! The early church would have been made up of Berbers too!! Over 50 % of North Africa at one time was Christian. Couscous are small round pieces of rice/pasta. Hard to explain! But it sure is good!