Friday, February 10, 2006

Problems in the kitchen . . . again

This past weekend my roommates went out of town. I was left to enjoy the weekend as an introvert. It is what happens to an extrovert when everyone leaves. On Sunday I realized that I hadn't cleaned at all so I got busy and cleaned the entire apartment. After cleaning, I got hungry so I went into the kitchen to make dinner. I decided to make Terriyaki Chicken and rice. I had just taken the very very hot glass container out of the oven and not thinking set it down on the stainless steel counter (our sink is stainless steel). Well you guessed it; it was the last time I ever used that container again. Glass shot off in every direction. You couldn't even tell that it used to be a container. I've included a picture. Those that know me should begin to pray for the safety of my future husband. . . with me in the kitchen, he better have really good insurance. :)

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