Wednesday, February 01, 2006

I need fire insurance!!!

So, I've come to the conclusion that when I move back to the states I desperately need fire insurance. I have had a few issues with our stove (we have a gas stove). It is great in that the stove cooks really fast, but if you aren't used to it, it can back fire. Like today for example, I came home and began preparing my lunch. I put on a pot of broccoli and went to check my e-mail. I checked on it often and just when I decided it was done, I began to notice that it smelled like someone had burnt something. Well there have been many times when we can smell things coming from other kitchens in the apartment building. It is this fun game we play called "Can you guess what they are having for diner?" If you ever come, we'll be sure and play it:) So the smell didn't really concern me. But I decided to lift the steamer out of the pot and I discovered that the burning smell was coming from my kitchen. The pot (that used to be white on the bottom) was now black and I mean black. Just then the smell escaped into the living room. I walked out and announced that I had decided to buy a new pot. My roommates looked at me oddly and asked what the smell was. I replied "it is the reason I'm buying a new pot." miraculously the pot came clean.

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