Thursday, January 26, 2006

My Trip To Londres (french spelling)

this is Buckingham Palace
Hey All,
Here are some pics from my London trip. It was great and everything was in English, but I greeted everyone in French. It is a habit, what can I say? So there is a funny store related to this trip. I was exhausted from my travels and viewing London that day so I decided to go to bed rather early. It was around 9 or 10 and I had just drifted off to sleep when I heard the fire alarm go off. I jump out of bed, throw on my shoes, an extra layer of clothes (it is FREEZING outside) and I grabbed my purse. I flew downstairs (you should never take the elevator during a fire) noticing that the alarm had stopped, but thinking maybe they do things different in G.B. I arrive downstairs, run into the lobby (the lobby is like a big living room) where there is about 30 British people laughing, eating, and carrying on in front of the fire. They all stop and stare at the Amer. who had just come down stairs in her pjs. I quietly back out of the room and head back upstairs. Wanna know what the alarm was? It was the call button to the elevator. I am not joking. It sounds like an Amer. fire alarm and the kids down the hall had been playing with it.

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