Thursday, January 26, 2006

Big Ben, Westminister Abby, Double Decker Bus

My Trip To Londres (french spelling)

this is Buckingham Palace
Hey All,
Here are some pics from my London trip. It was great and everything was in English, but I greeted everyone in French. It is a habit, what can I say? So there is a funny store related to this trip. I was exhausted from my travels and viewing London that day so I decided to go to bed rather early. It was around 9 or 10 and I had just drifted off to sleep when I heard the fire alarm go off. I jump out of bed, throw on my shoes, an extra layer of clothes (it is FREEZING outside) and I grabbed my purse. I flew downstairs (you should never take the elevator during a fire) noticing that the alarm had stopped, but thinking maybe they do things different in G.B. I arrive downstairs, run into the lobby (the lobby is like a big living room) where there is about 30 British people laughing, eating, and carrying on in front of the fire. They all stop and stare at the Amer. who had just come down stairs in her pjs. I quietly back out of the room and head back upstairs. Wanna know what the alarm was? It was the call button to the elevator. I am not joking. It sounds like an Amer. fire alarm and the kids down the hall had been playing with it.

Monday, January 23, 2006

French People Throw Up Too!!

You will never guess what I saw the other day. So I was headed to the airport to catch a flight to London for a couple of days, when I saw the grossest thing ever. I had to take the metro on my way to the airport and I was sitting across from this girl who looked like she was doing alright. Well, my stop was the next one and since I was so anxious about being on time, I decided to get up a few seconds before we got there. And it is a good thing I did. As I was facing the doors to exit (this guy was standing to my left) I heard an odd sound coming from behind me. I looked at the girl who I was sitting across from and thought she was using an inhaler. I've never seen a French person use an inhaler before and so I thought I'd watch. She makes the sound again and I realize she is gagging, while holding her hand over her mouth. I start to panic. I don't do well with vomit!!! At ALL!! And by the look of the gag she doesn't look to be having much success. I start beating on the door (and guy next to me) saying in a very quiet but panicked voice, "Let me out, Let me out" (the metro is still moving mind you; and at this point I really don't care). I glance back to check on the girl (again, I don't know why, when I know how I react to throw up, but I do) and just as I do, she spews lime green vomit in the very seat I was sitting in!!! The color of her vomit would make you change your favorite color if it happened to be lime green. I begin to beat harder on the door as the metro slowly comes to a stop. I run out of the metro, gagging, praying that I would keep everything down. What a way to start off my trip!! I just hope they find it soon and clean it up. I have no clue how often they go through the metro, but by the looks of it, not very often. So we've decided that they need to have throw up bags on the metro.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Today was a beautiful day. I went to a soap shop (Marseille is known for its soaps) and bought some soap. Then I headed to the post office to mail it. And the greatest part of all of this, is that I spoke in French to the nice postal worker. She understood me and I understood her. It makes me want to send a ton of packages. However, there is a funny part to today's adventure. Here the postal workers fill out the customs form for you. She asked me what was in the package and I responded savon (soap). Well because it is going to the U.S. she had to write that in English as well and so she asked me how to spell it. For the life of me I couldn't spell soap. It was so frustrating, so now there is a package being shipped priority mail to the U.S. that reads "soep". So hopefully it will get there. The flowers above were purchased in an open air market by my roommate. Aren't the beautiful? And the best part is that they cost 5 euros for 10 tulips. You can't get a better deal. The other picture is of an open air market in Aix-en Provence. I love flowers!!!

Friday, January 13, 2006

Now for those of you who know me, know that I hate shopping with a passion. I've discovered that the reason is because I can never find clothes that fit. Well, it took me moving all the way across the big blue to find my size. I went crazy and tried on everything. Now I will say this, my taste and the fr. taste differ a bit, but I did manage to find clothes. Once I got home I had a fashion show for my roomie. I've posted some of the pictures. I got a ton of shirts, a sweater (that is green) and an awesome dress!!!

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

To be understood . . .

Hey, so I know I'm not real good at keeping this updated, but I'm trying. So today was the best day so far (slight exaggeration--as my roommate would say)!!! I went to school and we had a substitute French teacher. She was so much fun and full of energy. The best part was that I understood everything that she said and was even able to respond in FRENCH!!! It is such a slow process. So you know that movie we all love-- "Grease"? You know those black, skin tight pants Sandy wears in the end? Well those are big over here; Along with very tight jeans. And my teacher was sportin 'em today. Anyway. . . Today was a good day. Oh and in class my teacher was asking us questions and we had to respond in French. Well she looks at me and says "What is your favorite French wine?" I couldn't believe it, she asks me that questions; the one who doesn't drink and on top of that she wanted to know of a French one. You must understand it is weird--almost incomprehensible for someone not to drink here and so trying to explain that to her in my very limited French vocabulary was tres dificile or very difficult.