Friday, February 02, 2007

A Funny Story . . .

A friend and I decided to go to the movies tonight. She is a big movie fan, and even votes for the nominees. We went to see Little Miss Sunshine. I forget everytime that they don't have ratings over here. I walk in expecting this clean movie and walk out with new vocabulary.
So to the funny part. It was a new theatre. She went to use the restroom while i went to find us seats. I'm going to try and describe to the best of my ability. I am facing three doors. The middle one opens up into this large theatre and the doors to it one are propped open. The two side doors are small, almost like side doors to something. There are signs over each door indicating a movie. I enter into the door on the right, the sign reads Little Miss Sunshine. I walk in and the door closes behind me and it is pitch black. So I feel along the walls until I come to a dead end (literally about 7 steps from the door I entered). I run my fingers along the wall. This has got to be some sort of closet. I exit and look at the sign again. This time I enter the big theatre thinking maybe that is the way. It isn't so I walk back out and try the right door again. This time there is a little light, but not much. I walk all the way to end (7 steps) and think maybe it makes a right turn and that I just didn't go far enough. So I try. . slam!! right into the wall (remember it is dark). So I exit again and wait for my friend. She comes from around the corner and I ask her "where is the theatre. She points to the door that I just came out of TWICE. I start laughing and tell her "it is just a room, see for yourself". She walks in and i follow. About 3 steps before the end she magically opens a door. Where this door came from I have no idea. I start dying laughing and at this point am thankful people can't read my mind, because I was throughly confused. We took our seats and entered into the world of entertainment.

I think it was one of those kind have to be there moments, but it made me smile and think "maybe I should have been blond"

1 comment:

Raquel said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!! that one made me laugh so hard tears came out of my eyes! do i know this friend? if so tell them i say hi :)