Thursday, August 24, 2006

Another example of le mistral (the wind) here in Marseille

Summer Help!!!

All of my sisters!! All living in different countries, all different nationalities, but still family.

One Year Down and One More to Go!!!

Can you believe it??? Some days I can, oh man, I can and others I think there is no way, someone had to miss count!!! No my friends, I have been employed by the same company for one whole year. With one more to go, I am experiencing mixed emotions. Kind of like when I left my summer job (camp). The feeling of the work continuing without me, not that it needs me, because it doesn't, but oh how I want to be apart of it. I am excited about the next adventure. May I cherish every moment (even the ones that give me one more grey hair) --seriously I may have to change the color category on my driver's license. lol

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

My Vacation . . . to Greece!!!

I am still reeling from my awesome vacation to Greece!!! It was a dream come true. I visited Athens and then the Greek Island, Mykonos. The most beautiful place on earth. I wish I could tell you all of the crazy stories, like the Greek guy that wanted to take me and my friend to a Greek island to show us what fun really is. Praising the lord that didn't happen. Or how our travel agent said, "just cross the street and you will see the sign for your ferry". We crossed the street to one of the largest ports in the world and 7 million signs, all of which were in Greek!!! Or about how when we disembark from our ferry into a parking lot 10 miles from the center of town, with no bus in sight. But all in all it was a great trip. I saw the acropolis, Mars Hill, some temple, and a Greek island. I'm planning on returning, anyone wanna come???

Monday, August 14, 2006

My Summer

This is one tired, hard working group!!
I haven't dropped off the face of the earth or drowned in the Med. Sea. I have been extremely busy though. We had 3 months of visitors from the states/south africa/trinadad/jordan/tunisia come help with the work here. Every week a new group arrived prepared for 10 long days of work. The work would start as early as 4:30am and end around 5:00pm, so you can imagine how exhausting it was. But a grand total 18,958 gifts given to people going on vacation to Africa!!
A group from my home city!! My mom is in the picture. Can you guess which one??