Monday, June 07, 2010

What is the Deal?

This morning I woke up and there were 4 stories about pastors, sunday school teachers, and other church leaders that have fallen into some type of moral sin. And this isn't the first time that I've woken up to story after story about this. What is going on? My heart is grieved.

I've thought about it alot and here is what I think. . .

1. Satan wants to kill, steal, and destroy and he is doing just that. I believe for those who are in the forefront of ministry (pastors, pastor wife's, church leaders, missionaries) are a target, especially those who are walking with the Lord. I also believe NO one is above the ability to fall into sin (any type but this especially). Why? Because we are human and we have a sin nature.

2. I also believe that sin is a gradual decline. I don't believe someone who is walking with the Lord wakes up one day and falls into a pit. I believe it starts with a missed day of spending time with the Lord. Then another, a week, month. Other areas start to go . . You get the idea.

3. Praise God, He is the God of second (even more than just 2nd) chances. The power of His forgiveness is amazing. He is able to restore someone to a position of ministry. However, that doesn't mean there aren't consequences. There are often many!

To be honest, it scares me to death to know that none of us is above any sin.

So what do we do? We fall at His feet daily, begging for protection. We have accountability partners (guys with guys and girls with girls) that are able to ask any and ALL questions. We pray for our pastors and church leaders. Pray for their protection and their daily walk with the Lord; that they would take up the belt of truth, breastplate of righteousness, shield of faith, helmet of salvation, and the sword of the spirit.

One of my collegues makes it a point to pray for the pastors in the states on Sunday morning (our sunday morning , their midnight). I was so impressed with that. Now I understand why.

So for those of you in ministry (or preparing for ministry) I'm praying for you today!!

A Great Visit

I need to tell you what a great day it has been!!! I visited with one of my families today. This is the first time I was able to see them since Christmas and it was such a good time. When I got there, Jamel said, 'Rachelle it has been so long and it is good to see you'. DId I mention that they called me to see when I could come see them?? This is huge!! Malika told me over and over how much she missed me and asked about my family. I told her that my mother loved the gifts that her family sent them. It was a good time. I also got a picture of them so I will be getting that up soon. I am so excited. It always makes it easier to go back knowing you are kind of "in".