Wednesday, November 28, 2007

I'm a genius!

Sometimes, I just have brilliant days. And today was one of those! I had a friend come for a visit and let me tell you how much fun it was!! I will post pictures later, but back to my genius day! Unfortunately, before she came she came in contact with ringworm. Being the daughter of two who are in the medical field, I knew right away what it was, so I got on the phone with the parental unit and asked about treatment. I was told that in the states you can get the medicine over the counter. I thought, well, that shouldn't be a problem here because their over-the-counter here is far bigger than in the U.S. So I went on hunt for anti-fungal cream. I went to three pharmacies. Three because I didn't know how to say "anti-fungal" in French. I tried using hand signals, and describing it. No luck! Finally, on my way to the third pharmacy ( I was praying the whole way), I had a very ingenious thought! Here is what happened!

I walked into the pharmacy and began the charade game again and finally I said, "It has the same scientific name as a mushroom!" The pharmacist's eyes got real big and said "oh, ___ (whatever the word is in french)" and I said "Oui." Then we went through what form of the medicine I wanted (spray or liquid). She was so sweet. She looked at me and said "see we are communicating!" She was so helpful and didn't make me feel like an idiot. I really love the people here!! So that was my genius moment! Okay so maybe it doesn't make me a genius but I would say a good problem solver. Come to think about it; I have learned a lot about problem solving. Sure have had a lot of practice here!