Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Family Vacation

7 of my family members came for a visit. We went to London, Paris, Rome, Venice, and Nice. It was a wild ride. The first photo is of my grandfather trying to take a picture of our family in front of Buckingham Palace. As you can see, he struggled a lot.

Many more fun adventures were had . . .

Loosing my grandmother at the Eiffel Tower for 2.5 hours in the freezing cold rain, at 11:00pm. Not fun!

Before we lost my grandmother . . .

After we found my grandmother!

Wanna know what this handle does?

Just ask my grandfather. That is right, folks, the man stopped the high speed train from France to Italy with one hard yank of this lever. Why? He thought it released the window shade. When pulled, smoke, along with this horrible smell, and screeching brakes can be experienced by all on board.

Needless to say, it was an adventure more than a vacation. But memories were made by all.