Sunday, March 26, 2006

The Biggest Myth in the Language Learning Process . . .

is that you will learn the language just by being in that country. This is so wrong!!! I will say the best way to learn a language is by living in that particular country, but by no means does that mean it will just come. No my friend, please do not fall into the trap of believing that. It takes work, a lot of work!!!I could live in this country with minimal language skills and never speak the language fluently. So, here is my advice . . . if you are going to be living overseas, learning a new language, be prepared to STUDY and be humbled beyond what you ever thought possible.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

No, Chick-fil-a did not go international

Yep, you are looking at two girls who just experienced heaven on earth. You see my supervisors had taken some vacation time in the states and a manager of a chick-fil-a was kind enough to teach them how to prepare sandwiches that would be good for 48 hours. My supervisors love me and my roommates! They brought us back each a sandwich, and I can not begin to tell you how great today has been. I have never tasted anything so good in my entire life. So those of you who are coming for a visit be prepared to bring us chick-fil-a!!! We give thanks because manna was graciously given to us. Here are some pictures. Jen tried to bite mine--not a chance girl!

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

I made a funny . . . in French

Okay, so I know the language blogs are getting old, but hopefully there won't be many more. Trust me, I'm tired of just learning the language, but I know that it is necessary. So back to my funny . . . last night we had a book study at my apartment with some French people. We had taken their coats and put them in the back bedroom. Well a good friend of ours asked my roommate and I, if he could get his jacket. We both walked him back to the back room, and while Jen looked for his coat, I was standing at the door with him talking. Well when Jen brought the coat to the door, I stuck out my hand and said "Tu doit payer pour ta veste", which means "you must pay for your coat". He was so shocked that I had said it in French, but the best part was that him and Jen busted out laughing, because it was so funny. I'm sure you had to have been there, but trust me, it was funny!!! I've been waiting a long time to be able to make people laugh in French, finally success.